Development of JLEARN

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Development of Jo Lamar Education And Research Network

A number of universities and health related organizations have already committed to utilizing the KLHF web-based platform for their different education and research efforts. The KLHF will work with each of these organizations to ensure the KLHF web-based platform meets their stated goals. The desire of the KLHF is to not only assist each of the organizations with their local efforts, but to also build a one of a kind nationwide network of participants, KLHF sites, sponsors and research infrastructure.

The KLHF believes that this nationwide network has the potential to transform:

  • The way individuals participate in research and learn about research opportunities. 
  • The way study participants are recruited for diverse clinical research opportunities. 
  • The way new assessments, interventions, and applications for AD are developed. 
  • The way research registries and longitudinal cohort studies are established and maintained. 
  • The way public and private organizations collaborate on AD related efforts. 

Please contact the KLHF if you are interested in learning how the KLHF can help your organization.

Get in touch. We'd love to hear from you.
